Tuesday, May 13th, 2025
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Request for Proposals to become one of the next Washington State Mental Health Summit initiatives
Due by January 31st, 2025
We are now accepting non-commercial proposals for new initiatives to be considered for presentation at the May 13, 2025 Summit. Any stakeholder in Washington State is eligible to apply. Select the link below to create an account and start your application to improve mental and Behavioral Health in Washington State today.
Please review the Initiative Presenter Expectations below to determine your ability to participate:
Initiative Expectations -
Proposal submissions are due no later than January 31st, 2025.
Presenters must attend the event in-person.
Proposals must be non-commercial in nature.
Proposals shall use a provided PowerPoint framework to build presentations within.
Presentations will follow a prescribed flow of Problem Statement, Proposed Solutions, Solution Development, Vision and clear Call to Action.
Selected proposals will be expected to attend preparation meetings via Zoom (two in the 60 days before the event) where presentations will receive feedback to maximize impact.
Presentations shall be a maximum of 30 minutes, with Q & A.
Initiatives shall provide an online facilitator that will meet with Summit tech representatives to manage real-time questions and feedback on the event app related to the initiative.
Initiatives shall submit the final PowerPoint presentations no later than Tuesday, April 29th.
Post-event, initiatives agree to participate in two follow-up progress report meetings via Zoom, one at three and one at six months.