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UW HUB | 4001 E Stevens Way NE | Seattle, WA 98195

2018 Resources


Agenda | SpeakersPanelists | Presenters




Presentation slides



(password: UW_WMHS)

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Day-of resources:

Download Whova, our official event app

Event FAQs

Directions to the UW Husky Union Building

Campus Map

List of UW Campus Gatehouses



On May 8, 2018, leaders in education, business, policy, health care, academia and philanthropy came together to discuss innovative ways to transform mental health care in Washington State. Nearly 400 people attended the 2018 Washington State Mental Health Summit where they learned about eight initiatives, attended panel sessions led by government leaders, providers, and payers/purchasers, and had the chance to network and get involved.


The response of attendees was amazing and hundreds of people signed up to contribute their time, talents and resources to move the initiatives forward. If you were unable to attend but would like to get involved, please contact the initiative leaders and they will be in touch soon.


We want to give a big thank you to our presenters and panelists. The scope of the work presented was truly impressive and speaks to the many different ways we need to come together to improve mental health care in our state. The day was powerful, inspiring and hopeful. You can get a taste by viewing the 2018 Mental Health Summit presentation slides.




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