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Presentation Slides
On October 29th, 2019, the third convening of the Washington State Mental Health Summit was held in Seattle, Washington, hosted by the University of Washington and Chad's Legacy Project in the UW HUB grand ballroom. 600 mental health stakeholders from across the state-wide mental health spectrum convened to view presentations on 16 initiatives with six panels. During presentations, attendees were encouraged to participate in ongoing efforts. This was made possible through the enrollment in a smartphone app that provided opportunities for all stakeholders to participate in specific initiative needs and action points. The 16 initiatives were grouped into the following six sections:
Perinatal Mental Health: 1) Perinatal Mental Health Initiative, 2) Improving Perinatal Behavioral Health in Washington State
Child, Youth and School Mental Health: 3) Mental Health training for Child-Facing Professionals, 4) Putting Mental Health at the Heart of Washington Schools
Mental Health Workforce Development: 5) Training the Next Generation of Integrated Healthcare Providers, 6) Improving Access to Peer Supports, 7) Developing a Pathway for Baccalaureate Level Behavioral Health Support Specialists
Mental Health and the Law: 8) Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) Cadre & Coordinator Co-Response Model, 9) Housing Stability for Youth in Courts (H-SYNC),10) Creating a Center in Mental Health, Policy and the Law
Technology and Telehealth: 11) Telepsychiatry: Bringing Services to Children and Adolescents in their Home Communities, 12) Novel Provider-to-Provider Consultation Programs, 13) Husky Health & Well-Being: Centralizing Online Student Health Resources
Communications, Awareness and Advocacy: 14) NAMI Ending the Silence Program Development Communities, 15) Launching a Community Information Exchange (CIE), 16) OneCall: A Single Portal for Diversion
The program slide decks for each initiative presentation are included for your review within the groupings below, including a slide with names and titles for each panelist following grouped presentations. You are still able to participate in each initiative you may want to engage with, even if you didn't sign up during the event. First, make note of the presenters for the initiative you are interested in, noted in the first slide for each initiative. Go to the Speakers page and search and click your initiative presenter of choice in the alphabetical list. Then scroll to the bottom of that presenter's information to the "Get Involved" section where you will find email contact information.
Welcome, Updates, App Instruction
Group 1: Perinatal Mental Health
Group 2: Child, Youth and School Mental Health
Group 3: Mental Health Workforce Development
Lunch, citiesRISE Presentation
Group 4: Mental Health and the Law
Group 5: Technology and Telehealth
Group 6: Communications, Awareness and Advocacy
We welcome you to the process of moving Washington State into the
national top tier of Mental Health access and care.